Alveolitis, severe pain after extraction of tooth.
Sensitive and bleeding aphthae on tongue and on the inside of the cheek.
White aphthae in mouth.
Aphthae, bleeding easily.
Red blisters on the tongue, as if the skin were eroded; they pain on every motion of the tongue, or if anything salt or sour touches them. Red vesicles on tongue.
Ulcers in mouth, forming rapidly.
Gangrenous ulcers.
Mercurial ulcers.
The mucous membrane of the forepart of the palate is shrivelled as if burnt, and hurts, especially when chewing.
Blood oozes from mucous membrane, palate excoriated, shrivelled as if burnt.
The mouth of the infant is very hot.
Pain in palate while nursing.
Spasms of tongue.
Sensation of large and swollen teeth.
Intermittent, paroxysmal toothache.
Smoking tobacco ameliorates toothache.
Intermittent stitching, stinging in teeth.
Tearing pain in teeth on touch, extending to side of head.
Griping in the hollow of tooth in rainy weather.
Dark redness of gums.
Painful gum abcess on outer side, with pain in a hollow tooth and with swelling of the cheek and whole left side of face, as far as below the eye, where there was an oedematous swelling.
Heat in mouth.
The taste is flat and insipid.
Patient had no taste when she ate anything, for several weeks.
Bitter taste; if she eats anything or swallows saliva everything tastes bitter.
Musty taste in throat.