
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1057

The action of Borax includes all mucous membranes, and you may expect to see this aphthous appearance in all areas where such a membrane is present. The labia may be affected by white patches. Membranous dysmenorrhoea {Cham., Lac-c.) comes under the action of Borax, and indeed this remedy is one of the best in the materia medica for this condition, which is typically accompanied by very strong pain as if in labour, while the woman feels as though the uterus were about to come out through the vagina. Such pain starts before the flow but also continue during the flow.
The Nervous System
The effect on the nervous system is equally pronounced. Borax patients are highly excitable individuals with a great intensity in both their emotions and thoughts. Their thoughts and feelings can be so confused that they cannot be separated one from the other. They are people who do not understand what it is to be cool and phleg¬matic. There is a resemblance to Phosphorus in the vulnerability to external impressions and stimulus. However Borax patients are not as receptive and sympathetic as Phosphorus.
You may dub the Borax state hysteria, although it does not fulfil the hysterical touchstone of consciously dissociated extrojected complexes. What we see here is an oversensitivity and a weakness ‘on the surface of the nervous system’, and not a profound trouble at a deeper level of the mind. This condition is not a true pschoneurosis, it is simply annoying, and it hinders the individual from serious thought and concentration.
An analogy may be drawn between the irritation from pain felt by the patient suffering from an aphthous condition the moment he starts eating, and the excitability and restlessness which assail him the moment the thinking process starts. In the first case the patient is compelled to stop eating, causing him to starve, and in the second