
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1053

Found accidentally to relieve asthma in a patient who took tea in which a beetle had been infused.
Great oppression of breathing, restlessness, profuse perspiration, inability to move or lie down, loud wheezing, worse during the night and inability to raise the excess mucus are the main characteristics. It has acted well in cases in which suffocation was threatened by a great accumulation of mucus. It is also useful in cases of bronchitis and phthisis where there is much dyspnea.
Excess heat radiating from all over the body.
Cold wet weather aggravates.
Clarke mentions that Blatta orientalis is especially suited to corpulent people and also to malarial cases, and that cases are aggravated in rainy weather. The aggravation in rainy weather has not been my experience however, but rather aggravation in humid cold weather with a smell of mould.
Headache is much worse with coughing.
Yellow discolouration.
Difficult respiration because of constant coughing, which exhausts the patient. Patient has to sit up day and night but is always worse at night.
Rales and ronchi can be heard but little expectoration comes out; the little mucus that appears is sticky in the beginning of the crisis but when the attack resolves mucus comes out in large quantities and in big yellow lumps.
Frothy mucus or big yellow lumps of mucus.