
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1040

Pressure and sensation of heaviness in the forehead, more violent on motion.. Violent pressive heavy pain in the forehead.
Distended feeling.
Boring, contractive, digging, pressing pain.
Mucus discharged in both canthi. Thickened mucus in both canthi.
Pressure on the right eyeball, from front backward and from below upward.
Tearing pain in ear, pressure of hand ameliorates.
Nose-bleed, dark blood.
Heaviness of root.
On attempting to swallow, liquids come out through the nose.
Pale, cold face; earthy complexion; blue borders around eyes; features changed, as if he had been very sick during headache.
Pain in face alternating with pain in stomach (see also stomach).
Motion aggravates.
Pressing pain in cheek.
Gums swollen.
Pain in gums as if excoriated.
Swelling of mouth, of one side of the tongue.