Restlessness, driven from place to place, driven out of bed. Faintness from pain in stomach.
Most symptoms are ameliorated by motion. All muscles of body, particularly those of legs, from toes to thighs, are spasmodically contracted. Great debility; languor; prostration. Cold drinks and bathing ameliorate the stomach pain, headache and toothache.
Vertigo on exercising.
Vertigo; a sensation as if the anterior half of the brain were turning in a
circle, several times during the day, lasting several minutes.
Confusion of head.
Constriction of head alternating with relaxation.
Heaviness in head on motion, while sitting, on forehead, on occiput, in temples. Headache alternating with pain in stomach. Violent neuralgic headaches which alternate with gastralgia, the pain in the head involves the face and teeth, worse eating, better from cold water in the mouth.
Headache attended by gastralgia.
Headaches in winter.
Boring pain in forehead after eating, while sitting, extending to nose, motion ameliorates.
Burning, cutting and contracting pain from forehead to occiput.
Pressing pain as from a weight in forehead above nose.
Dull cutting pain in the brain, which begins above the right orbit and extends to the occiput.
Dull pressive-drawing in the head, now here, now there.