Fever at 6 p.m.
Burning heat in the afternoon.
Febrile heat only during the day.
Sensation of coldness on isolated spots, as if from cold metal, cold substances, or as if cold drops were sprinkled.
Running cold, and crawls in skin.
Heat in face, extending over whole body, which is cool, without thirst.
Transient sensation of warmth at different places.
With heat, anxiety, oppression of chest, shooting in head, thirst.
Inclination to sweat with least exercise.
Typhoid and putrid fevers.
Fever with enlargement of spleen or pain in region of spleen.
Perspiration during activity.
Odour like urine.
Perspiration of single upper parts of the body before sleep.
Crusty, brown eruptions.
Painful pustules.
Stinging pustules.
Discolouration, white spots.
Itching spots.
Old yellow spots around navel peeling off.
In skin much itching, biting, pricking and burning, with minute stitches, sometimes with increased sensation of warmth and with eruption.
Rasping and pricking in skin, increased by friction, and frequently succeeded by a red spot.
Red spot on left eyelid, feels like a mosquito-bite, but swelling nearly closes eye; next day other spots on face, behind ear, on neck; third day on chin and nose, with itching and burning; in evening covered with small vesicles, oozing watery fluid.
Specks resembling nettle rash and patches on shoulders, arms and hands. Pimples, usually isolated, sometimes in groups.