
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1029

Sleepiness early in evening.
Faint when going to bed.
When lying down, crawls.
Sleep disturbed by shuddering.
Takes strange position in sleep.
Waking after midnight, between 2-4 a.m.
Yawning while walking, open air ameliorates.
Restless, dreamful sleep, with frequent waking and congestion of blood in head. During night awakened by violent thirst, profuse sweat, or itching-burning stitches.
Difficult waking in morning, succeeded by pain in head and back, exhaustion and lack of recollection.
Sleep unrefreshing.
Mind and body relaxed after sleep.
Chill, beginning in face and extending from face to the back and rest of the body. Internal chill, as if coldness in the bones.
Chill before menses.
Chill before evening meal, with icy cold feet.
Suffering parts chilly, in region of kidneys; accompanied by goose-flesh. Chilliness in region of stomach, ceasing after thirst.
Chill as if in bones, with warmth of skin.
Chills in back and backs of arms, as from cold water, evening before going to bed, afterwards warm.
Chills in back, extending to hips, as if produced by an icy cold wet handkerchief, in twenty minutes succeeded by warmth; after a second attack swelling of tendo- Achillis.
Chill followed by heat with or without thirst.
Short crawl and shudder from up down through back and chest, followed by heat.
Chill in morning with cold feet, heat in afternoon and sweating evening or night. Cold feeling in eye, like from a cool wind, with lachrymation when closing eyes.
Fever in the evening after chill.