
Materia Medica Viva Volume 5 – page 1022

Fullness of prostate gland.
Urine: all kinds of sediment in the urine: clay-coloured, gelatinous, whitish-gray, mealy, mucous, bright red, thick, white, bran-like, granular, pink, dirty-red, renal calculi, sand gravel, yellowish-red crystals, translucent.
Colour of urine like coffee, blood-red, light/dark yellow.
Milky during menses.
A characteristic odour which is like coffee.
Genitalia – male
Suppressed sexual desire.
Depressed sexual function, erection feeble and too short, premature ejaculation. Straining during and after ejaculation of semen.
Great prostration in sexual parts after coitus.
Sensation of weakness and insensitivity in parts, especially after urinating. Coldness and numb feeling from glans, scrotum and prepuce of penis. Scrotum shrunken, shrivelled, cold.
Soreness, especially on left side of scrotum.
Penis hard and contracted all along upper part, bending it upward.
Atrophy of penis.
Penis small and cold.
Retraction of penis.
Soft pulpy swelling of the left spermatic cord, with at times drawing, burning, or smarting, dragging, lancinating, or tearing pains, with pain extending down into the testicles, especially the epididymis, also extending up into the abdominal ring, walking aggravates. Neuralgia and inflammation of spermatic cord, testicles and epididymis. Drawing from right or left testicle to spermatic cord.
Testicles drawn up.
Genitalia – female
Bursting pain in ovaries and vulva.
Dryness of vagina after menses.
Intensely painful vagina; burning, sore, as if excoriated.