and lameness, or swelling, in back and lower limbs.
A sticking-digging, or digging-tearing pain in one or the other kidney regions, as if it were suppurating, aggravated by deep pressure.
Sore, bruised pain, extending to thighs.
Stitching pain, extending to knee and urethra, while sitting.
Motion aggravates pain.
Standing ameliorates pain.
Drawing pain in ureters, especially left side.
Tearing in ureters, after rising in the morning.
Bladder: burning pain in the bladder.
After urinating, a sensation in the bladder as if one must go again soon, or as if some urine remained behind.
Drawing-sticking pain in one or the other side of the bladder, extending down into the female urethra, often arising in the lumbar region, and extending along the course of the ureters.
Violent sticking pain in the bladder extending from the kidneys.
Painful cuttings in the left side of the region of the bladder extend into the urethra, coming from the left kidney along the course of the ureter.
Pulsation in bladder.
Frequent urging to urinate, the slightest motion aggravates.
Violent urging to urinate after urination.
Calculi in bladder.
Urethra: bubbling sensation in the urethra while sitting.
Convulsive constriction.
Pain in anterior part when not urinating.
Burning pain in urethra after ejaculation at night, urination ameliorates.
Burning pain in the female urethra during and after urinating.
Cutting pain when not urinating and after urination.
Stitching pain backward to bladder.
Tearing and twingeing pain in female meatus.
Most violent burning in meatus.
Prostate Gland: Sensation of enlargement.