Duodenal ulcers. Indigestion.
Very slow digestion.
Pit of stomach puffed up.
Pressure in stomach as if it would burst.
Chilliness in region of stomach, ceasing after vomiting.
Chilliness before evening meal.
Frequent bitter eructations, alternating with yawning.
Increased hunger, alternating with loss of appetite.
Great thirst, alternating with aversion to all kinds of drinks.
Desires eggs, raw meat. Thirsty for cold drinks.
Nausea before breakfast, gone after it.
After eating solids, belching for hours, and soreness continuing whole night. Worse after spirituous drinks.
Pain in hypochondria, breathing aggravates.
Stitching pain in hypochondria, pressure aggravates.
Stitching in hypochondria extending to back.
Drawing-tearing in left hypochondrium, with sensation during inspiration as if something were torn loose.
Violent burning, like heartburn, in left hypochondrium, extending upward into esophagus.
Cramp-like contraction in splenic region.
Stitching, cutting pain in liver. Pain in liver when breathing.
Paroxysmal pain in liver, extending to epigastrium.
Sticking-pressive pain in the region of the liver, increased by pressure.
Sharp, pinching pain in region of liver, which comes suddenly and with great severity; at times caused patient to hold his breath, to bend over and to become red in face; pink sediment in urine; faeces black, or very dark, very adhesive to the toilet bowl.
Colic from gall-stones.
Bilious colic, followed by jaundice.
Coldness in inguinal region becoming burning.