The mucous membranes of the nose are usually dry, with little discharge. Dryness of nose, succeeded by chronic catarrh with discharge.
Offensive, foetid, burnt, pungent discharge.
Chronic obstinate coryza in left side, pain extending to Highmorian cavity and frontal cavities, with moderate secretion of a yellowish or greenish mucus, more copious in morning, and having a pungent, empyreumatic smell or taste, succeeded by violent ophthalmic complaints.
Pain in nose, extending to ears.
Pricking in point of nose. Gnawing pain in tip of nose.
Epistaxis in the morning after rising.
Face pale, a dirty greyish look, sunken cheeks, surrounded by bluish or blackish- gray circles. Greenish face, with blue rings and pink eyes.
Sensation as if cold drops were spurted in face when going into open air. Sensation of chilliness, succeeded by deep red spots on cheek, attended with heat extending over face in afternoon.
Coldness in face extending to back.
Heat and redness and burning of face by mental exertion.
Stitching pain in lower jaws in the evening.
Red spots in forehead.
Pulsation of lips, quivering in lips.
Formication in upper lip, around mouth and chin.
Dryness of lips, with scaling and formation of thin brown scurf on edges.
Bright red, inflamed pimples on cheeks and lips, ulcerated in centres. Pea¬shaped vesicles on lower lip.
Cold sweats on face.
A sticky, frothy saliva like cotton; soapy saliva.
Sour taste after drinking.