Shuns the light.
Illusions; in twilight objects appear twice as large as natural.
Dim sight, all objects looking dark, as if through a veil.
Loss of vision when exerting eyes, e.g. in sewing.
Sensation of sand between lids.
Cold feeling in eye, as from a cool wind, with lachrymation when closing eyes. Quivering of eyelids when reading in poor light. Quivering of left upper lid at night.
Itching in canthi, eyebrows and eyelids.
Violent shooting pain through eyes into brain, or from temples to eyes; sometimes into arms, or from knee to eye.
Conjunctivitis, with inflamed lachrymal caruncle.
Eye symptoms aggravated outdoors, and on moving eyes.
Coldness in ears during pregnancy.
Heat alternating with cold on external ear.
Buzzing noises in left ear.
Throbbing and roaring in ears.
Stopped up feeling in ear, with pressure.
Tearing pain in antitragus.
Tearing, alternately in ear and other parts of body.
Tearing and stitches in ears, through membrana tympani, as if a nail was thrust through, or as from sting of an insect.
Shooting and stitching pain behind right ear in attacks, worse every evening. Stitching pain in the afternoon at 5 p.m.
Pain while sitting.
Nodosities on auricle, size of match head, painful to touch.
Cystic tumour behind ear, size of a hazelnut.
Pulsation in left ear.