from any exertion and fatigue, and therefore you will find aggravation after the morning’s activities at 1 -2 p.m. Worse from lying down on the back, especially first thing at night, which prevents sleeping. Much worse from bending forward.
Warm coverings are pleasant but do not ameliorate the pain dramatically. This will help to differentiate Berberis from Calc, or Rhus-t.
Aching in small of back aggravated when sitting; when lying; in the morning on waking.
In lumbago most cases are better from motion. But note that while pain in the lumbago is better from motion, the pain that appears in the joints is worse from motion.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Berberis could be useful in C.F.S. as there is great weakness, like fainting, after a walk, with perspiration and heat on the upper part of the body; cold, pale, sunken face and oppression of breathing. Great relaxation, with disinclination to do anything. After walking a short distance the patient is compelled to stop from a feeling of intense weariness, heaviness, lameness, and stiffness of the legs, which feel sore as if bruised.
Polypus of the Vocal Cord; on the indication ‘tumours and sessile growths’, Ozanam cured a case of polypus of vocal cords, red, with a sessile base. Thuja had failed. Berb. 200 was given at first with good effect, the attenuation being gradually reduced with increasingly good effect until the growth disappeared entirely under the lx.
Arthritis: Stuart Close records the cure with Berb. 200 of a woman who had the following symptoms: cutting, burning pain in the balls of the feet on stepping. On standing with most of the weight on the heels she had no pain. On rising in morning sensation in soles as if stepping on needles. Gouty concretions in the auricle, becoming very painful, with tearing stinging pain.
Acne: The drug has been successfully used in common acne.