especially after a deep sound sleep, is characteristic, the head feeling heavy and dizzy.
Furthermore, Berberis has an aversion to and an aggravation from darkness. You will find melancholy, apathy, prostration of mind, and sadness with inclination to weep. Much dizziness and faintness is quite usual. The faintness and dizziness may be brought on by lying, standing, rising from bed, walking in the open air when the face becomes very pale; the faintness may be caused by asthma or heat. Women have symptoms at the time of menses which include irritability, or a feeling that they are weary of life and desire death.
Urinary and Kidney symptoms: Berberis vulgaris causes inflammation of the kidneys with haematuria. Pain may be felt all over the body, emanating from the small of the back. Lancinating, or tearing, bubbling pain in region of kidneys; worse stooping and rising again, sitting or lying; from jarring; from fatigue; very sensitive to touch in renal region.
Many cases of renal colic (especially right-sided) have been cured by this remedy.
All the urinary organs are markedly affected.
The emission of urine is frequently accompanied by pain in thighs and loins.
Violent sticking pain in bladder, extending from kidneys into urethra, with urging to urinate.
Urine dark yellow, red, becoming turbid, copious; mucous sediment, or transparent, jelly-like or reddish, bran-like yellowish sediment. Urine slimy when passed, depositing copious foamy yellowish sediment. Greenish urine depositing mucus. During urination burning in urethra, or bladder, pressure in bladder, cutting, burning, or stitches in urethra.