
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 996

Diarrhea in afternoon, 5-7 p.m.
Watery clear stool.
Frothy stool.
Stitching in rectum.
Urging to stool, with ineffectual straining.
Sensation of constriction at lower end of rectum.
Horripilations, or chilliness before stool.
Stools: copious, watery, greyish-white, like dirty soapsuds; excessively offensive, scenting whole house; of a strong pungent smell, like that of urine; putrid, bloody; frothy; insufficient.
White, stinking, liquid stools.
Diarrhea of children, discharge copious, watery, clear-coloured, very foetid; profuse, watery, running through diaper.
Watery, light-coloured, very offensive stools (in children) with unusually strong¬smelling urine.
Foetid, watery, white stools, very copious and exhausting, in infants, urine being of a deep red colour.
Formication at anus.
Slightly elevated, wart-like, round surfaces around anus.
Urinary Organs
The odour and the colour of the urine is of the greatest importance in this remedy.
Odour like horse’s urine.
Renders urine acid; excess of hippuric acid.
Urine dark, urinous odour highly intensified.
Dark, or highly coloured, offensive urine, after suppressed syphilis or gonorrhea.
The urinary odour is very strongly ammoniacal.
Urine dark brown, of a putrid cadaverous smell.
Odour aromatic, changeable.
Brown urine, smells sour, scalding in passing.
Urine diminished; thick; bloody.