or accompanied by rheumatic conditions and associated with a highly intensified odour of the urine. The head is worse from: emotions; exposure to a draught of air; uncovering of head; In morning on waking; at rest; periodically better from warm applications and moving about.
12. Suppurative tonsillitis, diarrhoea, etc., all when accompanied by the highly intensified odour of the urine.
13. Lastly, a feature of this remedy is the tendency to catch cold easily, especially if exposed to a cold draft on the head. Typically, the patient applies hot applications and the cold seems to go away. He is encouraged and goes out, and again the head is exposed to a draught and the cold returns. This process is repeated, as the patient applies the hot applications and goes out again, only to catch cold once again.
The Benzoic acid patient is a closed-up individual who keeps all his problems, griefs and anxieties to himself. He will never allow his emotions freedom of expression, preferring to hide his grief or anger. Even a disagreement with others is kept hidden. This point serves to differentiate Benzoic acid from Natrum muriaticum or Nitric acid, remedies which have a lot in common. Natrum muriaticum or Nitric acid are incapable of hiding their feelings of disapproval as their facial expressions give such emotions away.
The Benzoic acid personality is deeply timid and reserved, it does not allow the patient to clear up his emotions. There can be no open catharsis, no solution to be found in a fit of weeping when asking forgiveness for some deed. One could characterise such a personality by saying that the patient cannot ‘eliminate the rubbish’ from his emotions. An analogy can be made here with the inability of the kidneys to eliminate useless matter; the rubbish stays inside the organism and creates uric acid, kidney stones, headaches and disease in general. So difficult is it for the patient to