Tetanic rigidity of convulsions, dashing cold water on face ameliorates. Patients are tired and nervous. Perspiration towards morning; staining the linen yellow. Aggravation of symptoms at night with sleeplessness; in cloudy weather.
Severe darting pains in occiput, from below upward, recurring in paroxysms, made worse by motion, and especially by rising after sitting.
The hair is very greasy.
Sensation of enlargement of the eye.
Glassy appearance.
Constant movement of the eyeballs under closed lids.
Rolling nystagmus, from side to side like a pendulum.
Could not turn eyes upward, or to one side, without severe aching and throbbing.
Optical illusions with wide-open eyes.
Conjunctiva somewhat congested.
Pale, lead-coloured discolouration of the face.
Occasional sudden puffing up of left cheek and calf of left leg, as though filled with air, going off in a few hours and returning again.
Stammering speech.