Coldness of limbs, with heat of head.
Temperature of head very much increased, of rest of body diminished.
Unconsciousness from working in hot sun.
Nervous shuddering on going to sleep, and on falling asleep an electric-like shock.
Pulsations on waking in the morning.
In general sweat occurs suddenly and quickly disappears. It has a smoky odor, and stains the linen.
There is cold sweat after urination.
Congestion of the liver with jaundice, the liver burns.
In general the inflamed parts swell rapidly, throb, are extremely sensitive to touch, are very painful, with the sensation as if they would burst.
The inflamed parts, and very commonly the skin, are very red, but as the inflammation advances they become dusky. Belladonna can have inflammations anywhere: inflammation of nerves (neuritis); inflammation of the marrow of bones (osteomyelitis); inflammation of bursae (bursitis); inflammation of cartilages (chondritis, perichondritis) and inflammation of muscles (myositis) and all these inflammations come on suddenly.
Made worse in all complaints from motion; motion brings on convulsions, motion brings on pain, motion increases the action of the heart and brings on throbbing, motion brings on many complaints and increases the suffering.
Walking in the wind aggravates.
Better wrapped up warmly in a room.
Holding the breath ameliorates.
Boring in ear and nose with fingers ameliorates.
Belladonna’s influence is felt more in intelligent and plethoric persons who are jovial and entertaining when well, but violent when sick. It is therefore a great children’s remedy.