teeth, and now and then convulsions.
Twitching more in arms and face; difficult articulation; throws head back, rolling head.
Starting on falling asleep; the feet are jerked upward and the head forward.
Semi-consciousness and loss of speech; convulsive movement in limbs and muscles of face; paralysis of right side of tongue. Paroxysms of stiffness, and immobility of all limbs, or of single limbs only.
Noises can cause an aggravation not only of the headache but also the sciatica, gastritis, convulsions etc.
In tetanus a sudden noise, a slight touch, a jar, an attempt to speak or to move or to drink will induce a spasm. Teeth are clenched with such force that they cannot be opened.
Great irritability and impressionability of the senses; he
tastes and smells everything more acutely; cannot tolerate any touch, the skin is supersensitive.
Spasms and convulsions of limbs renewed by least contact.
A lot of the symptomatology of this remedy appears around the time of menses.
Weakness and headaches mostly come on before, during and after menses, with desire to lie down.
Liability to catch colds, with great sensitiveness to draughts of air, especially when uncovering head, or after cutting hair.
Sensitive to changes from warm to cold, to damp weather, to chilling from having the head uncovered; better from being wrapped up warmly in a room.
Feels very chilly, wants warmth of a stove.
Cool hands and forehead, with much thirst, but no fever. Shuddering, or violent chill in back, epigastrium, or arms.
Several attacks of fever in one day, during which hot stage followed cold within a few minutes to half an hour, always without thirst in either stage, and mostly with confusion of head.
Heat of forehead, with cold cheeks.