Heaviness of limbs.
Itching limbs; thighs.
Jerking of the lower limbs.
Numbness of the upper limbs; hands; fingers.
Tearing pain in all the limbs.
Bruised limbs and joints.
Stitching: in knees; forearm; wrist; lower limbs; thighs; legs; feet.
Painless paralysis of upper limbs.
Tension of thighs.
Cramps in the calf.
Ulcers on legs; weakness of lower limbs.
Deep sleep.
Falling asleep late.
Restless sleep.
Sleepiness after dinner.
Dreams: anxious; frightful; of misfortune; vivid.
Fever evening and night; alternating with chilliness; burning heat; flushes of heat. Shaking chills; one-sided chill; generally left-sided.
Chilliness in the open air; in the least draught.
Coldness in bed; external coldness; daily spells of coldness.
Perspiration after midnight; cold; while eating; offensive; on single parts; during sleep; on waking.
The skin is very sensitive.
Burning skin at times; otherwise coldness; cracked skin, dry.