Catarrh of the trachea with copious mucus.
Voice is hoarse; rough; lost; weak.
Respiration is accelerated; asthmatic; difficult at night and on ascending; rattling. Cough in the morning after rising; in cold air, in damp cold air; asthmatic; worse talking; from tickling in larynx and trachea; tormenting; pertussis.
Expectoration in the morning and evening; difficult.
Catarrh of chest with marked constriction and oppression.
Pustules on the chest.
Itching of chest; of mammae.
Palpitation at night; anxious; tumultuous.
Itching of the back.
Feeling of weight in the back.
Pain in the back, before and during menses; while sitting.
Pain in lumbar region in evening and before and during menses.
Drawing pain in lumbar region; in the sacrum.
Pulsation in lumbar region.
Weakness in lumbar region.
Burning in spine and in lumbar region.
Stitching in back, in cervical and lumbar regions.
Stiffness in the back; in cervical regions.
Tension in back.
Cold hands and feet.
Cracked hands and fingers.
The hands are very dry.
Perspiration of hands, of palms.
Offensive sweat of feet; suppressed foot sweat.
Painful eruptions on the limbs; pimples.