Epistaxis on blowing the nose.
Dryness in the nose.
The nose is often obstructed.
Much sneezing.
The nose is swollen.
Sense of smell is acute.
The face is cold, pale or red.
The face is red and hot while the extremities are cold.
Drawing pain in face; in submaxillary gland.
Convulsive twitching of face.
Swelling of face; of parotid gland; of submaxillary gland; painful swelling.
Eruptions on the face: acne; boils; crusty; eczema; herpes; pimples.
The gums are detached from the teeth, bleeding, swollen.
The lips are dry and cracked.
Cracked tongue.
The tongue is coated white.
The tongue burns.
Burning vesicles in mouth and on tongue.
Offensive, even putrid odour from mouth.
Taste is bad, bitter or sour.
Pain in teeth worse from cold things; cold drinks; after eating; from warm things. Speech difficult.
Constriction in throat.
Dryness and roughness in the throat.