
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 882

Chloride of Barium Ba Cl2 2H20
This remedy, though presenting many similarities in its gross symptomatology with Baryta carbonica, has unique features of its own. It has all the main symptoms of Baryta carbonica including difficulty in concentration, dullness of mind, confusion, indecision and immaturity. The female Baryta muriatica patient is confused in her mind. She does not answer properly, as if she were thinking of something else at the moment. She has great difficulty in concentration while studying or reading, and difficulty in learning, comprehension, and memory. She is irresolute and indecisive, and very similar to Baryta carbonica in her immaturity. There is anxiety about the future, and a rapid progression to a state of idiocy.
The primary action of Baryta muriatica, which presents us with the unique picture of this remedy and on which I shall now focus, is concentrated on three particular areas: the nervous system, the vascular system and the glands.
Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems
This is primarily a ‘convulsive remedy’ in the broadest sense of the word. When the nervous system is affected we see a hysterical person with a tendency to convulsions, twitching or choreic movements. The picture one gets from this remedy is of a build-up of unexpressed energy that suddenly erupts in the form of hysterical fits, epileptic fits, convulsions or or twitching. During such a hysterical