Erections lacking.
Seminal emissions.
Genitalia – female
In the female desire is increased.
Leucorrhoea bloody; before menses.
Menses copious; frequent; painful; short; suppressed.
Bronchitis and bronchopneumonia are within the sphere of this remedy.
Mucus in the trachea.
Voice hoarse; lost; rough, weak.
Respiration fast; asthmatic; difficult at night and on ascending; rattling; short; suffocating.
Cough morning; evening; asthmatic; dry in morning; from irritation in larynx or trachea; rattling; spasmodic; suffocating; as talking; from tickling in larynx and trachea.
Expectoration in morning and evening; difficult; mucous; purulent; salty; viscid; yellow.
Catarrh of chest.
Constriction of chest. Oppression of chest.
Inflammation of bronchial tubes; of lungs.
Pain in chest; stitching in chest and in mammae.
Palpitation of heart; night; tumultuous.
Paralysis of lungs.
Swollen axillary glands.
Cold hands, legs and feet.
Hot hcinds.
Heaviness of limbs.