Vertigo while lying, stooping; walking
Heat and hyperaemia of head evening and night.
Heaviness of head.
Pain in head in the morning on rising; better in open air; worse binding up the hair; from noise; while walking; in warm room.
Bruised pain in head.
Pressing, shooting, stunning pains in head.
Tearing in vertex.
Perspiration of scalp.
Pulsation in forehead and temples.
Opacity of the cornea.
Inflammation of conjunctiva.
Tubercular iritis.
Staphyloma. Phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis.
Itching of eyes.
Pain in eyes worse from light; burning pain; pain as from sand;
tender feeling.
Protrusion of eyes; pupils dilated.
Redness of eyes and lids.
Vision dim, foggy; weak.
Swollen lids.