
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 871

where the glands are hard and painful to touch, and most particularly where the patient tells you that his leukocytes are always at a high level.
Baryta iodata, as mentioned above, will infiltrate, enlarge and indurate glands, especially the tonsils and breasts (mastitis). It also has a marked effect on new growths and tumours such as cancer of the breast, in cases where the whole organism is undernourished or suffering from arrested development. The general impression received from such cases is that of a severely damaged immune system.
The thyroid is primarily affected in adults, presenting us with symptoms of hyperthyroidism with trembling and fainting spells and protrusion of the eyes.
As the lymphatic system is heavily involved, the leukocytes are frequently increased. Hodgkin’s disease, infectious mono¬nucleosis, and glandular fever are within the sphere of action of this remedy. Other conditions requiring Baryta iodata are staphyloma and phlyctenular keratoconjuctivitis accompanied by swelling of the lymphatic glands in children who do not seem to grow.
The hardening action of this remedy on the physical organs is mirrored in a similar process of hardening and growing ‘opacity’ of the mind and emotions. The emotions become hardened and dead, the patient exhibits indifference and apathy, and the mind becomes indolent and dull. The patient feels confused, and has difficulty in concentrating his mind and in getting it to function. Mental weakness is marked in this remedy. The patient finds it impossible to come to any decision.
The Baryta iodata child will strike you as looking almost stupid. It is incapable of any mental effort and has a weak memory. These