Baric iodide, Ba I2 Trituration
The main action of Baryta iodata is to retard development and to infiltrate, enlarge and indurate glands and organ tissues.
You will need this remedy mostly with children, particularly in cases of cachectic, malnourished children. Baryta iodata suits a child who does not grow as he should, whose lymphatic glands are very swollen and hard, who catches cold easily and who exhibits opacity of the cornea. The opacity which is apparent in the eye parallels the induration and infiltration of internal organs and glands.
There are other remedies that feature opacity of the cornea and swollen cervical glands, such as Cadm., Calc-c., Arg-n.. But in order to prescribe this remedy you need to observe that the child is not developing properly and that its growth is stunted.
Here we must differentiate with Baryta carbonica as far as the stunted growth or dwarfishness is concerned. In Baryta iodata we do not see dwarfishness as such but rather a general cachexy and emaciation.
When we talk about the characteristics of a remedy it means that these characteristics are the first thing you will notice in the case.
These are the main features in its pathology.
Baryta iodata feeds and greatly enlarges the lymphatic system, while wasting the patient. You should consider Baryta iodata in cases