It is characteristic of the remedy to have a pulsating feeling in the back, the lumbar region [Lac-c., Sep., Sil.], between scapulae [Phos.] and in the sacral region [Nat-m.]. Emotional excitement brings on pulsation upon the back. There is another keynote of this remedy in the back; a sense of restlessness in lumbar region which is ameliorated by passing flatus.
There is a lot of pain, stiffness or tension in the different parts of the back. Sometimes this tension is felt like a weight or heaviness. Tension and stiffness in cervical region and in the shoulder blades more so in sharp, cold weather, stiffness in cervical region on waking. The symptoms are similar to Cimic. Stiffness in sacral region.
Tensive stiffness in the loins aggravated very much in the evening, so much so that patient cannot get up from the chair.
Burning pain in dorsal region, left scapulae at night ameliorated by walking. Drawing pain in sacral region in the evening and on bending backwards. Swelling of glands in nape of neck.
Fatty tumours on neck is another key-note for this remedy [Calc., Thuj.]. Kent writes:
6A number of times a patient has said, “Doctor, did you intend to take away that fatty tumour I had on my back?”. The chances are that I did not know he had one. That is generally the way such things appear in the practice of the homeopathic physician, for he does not prescribe for the tumour, and the chances are he thinks little about the tumour in his prescription, he gives the constitutional medicine and they often disappear after a while, and then the patient thinks the doctor has done a wonderful thing. He gets more glory and more credit for curing a wart than he does for curing the patient The doctor who prescribes correctly turns the vital state in to order.’
These remarks by Dr.Kent could not have been more accurate and more to the point, yet I would like to add that if in a case we