
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 864

The uterus is very small.
The mammae diminish in size, as do the ovaries.
Menses are diminished: scanty, feeble, of short duration.
This remedy will frequently be indicated when you see old broken down people with chronic bronchitis, with a lot of mucus that is expectorated with difficulty. The chest feels full but there is no power to expel. You will observe that they are nice little old men with no personality left, they are ‘sweet’ but weak and helpless as a child, heavily dependent on you, with no initiative whatsoever.
Aphonia from constitutional weakness and paralysis of the vocal cords.
Voice is entirely lost.
Low deep voice.
Catarrh in larynx and trachea in old people [Seneg.].
Chest is full of mucus but cannot expectorate.
Suffocating cough better lying on abdomen.
Impending paralysis of the lungs.
The idea here is that the person seems to battle to take out the mucus but the lungs seem to have no power to expel it, they seem too weak. There is a sensation in the larynx as if inhaling smoke or sulphur fumes [Ars., Brom.].
At other times there is copious expectoration in cases of chronic bronchitis of old people [Ammc., Ant-t., Ars., Kreos.].
A lot of mucus in larynx, hoarseness of voice because of mucus [Samb., Sel.]. Asthmatic respiration in old people [Ars.].
Swelling of axillary glands. Pain in the glands of axilla is a key-note.
Encysted tumours under the armpit. Hidradenitis axillaris.
Palpitation on exertion, palpitation while lying on left side [Cact., Nat-m., Phos., Psor., Puls.] sudden and very strong palpitation [Mang., StryJ, palpitation on thinking about it [Arg-n., Aur-m., Gels., Lycps., Ox-ac.].
Aneurysm in large arteries [Ca/c., Lyc., Spong.].