
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 863

Urinary organs
Frequent urination in the aged.
Frequent night urination with prostate enlargement [Calc., Con., Dig., Puls.]. Senile enlargement of prostate gland [Dig., Sel.].
Frequent urination every other day.
Genitalia – male
Baryta carbonica diminishes sexual passion [Agn., Graph., Lyc., Sil.] to such an extent that it can easily be suppressed or diverted to masturbation. Baryta carbonica also diminishes the size of the genitalia (penis small and cold [Agn., Lyc.] and testes small and indurated).
Increases the size of the prostate gland which is hard.
Erections are lacking, incomplete or delayed.
He falls asleep while having coition before the emission has taken place. Troublesome erections in the morning on waking [Pall.].
Troublesome erections in the evening with shivering and great desire. Premature seminal emissions.
Genitalia – female
Generally you will observe that the sexual function is minimised, and the organs which are used to ‘commune’ become smaller and smaller. The natural sexual function slowly disappears, and with it the elimination process which in a normal state takes place through emotional expression, while the person becomes more
and more cautious and withdrawn. It seems that the poisonous effect which the suppression of the emotions has upon the organism is taken up by the lymphatic glands, which in order to fulfil their cleansing function grow larger and larger.
Passive leucorrhoea discharge, whitish thick, persistent.
Toothache before menses.
Sexual passion diminished or totally lost.
No interest in having sexual intercourse though she can tolerate it.
Aversion to sexual intercourse but likes to be caressed.