The throat presents a strong seat of action for Baryta carbonica. There are two important states that point to this remedy:
a. difficulty in swallowing solids [Bapt.].
b. enlargement and induration of tonsils [Bar-m.] with recurrent inflammation.
Impossible to swallow due to constriction of esophagus [Phos.].
Cannot swallow her own saliva.
Old people can only swallow liquids because of a kind of spasm in oesophagus.
There are spasms of oesophagus on swallowing [Bapt., Merc-c.] and
sensation as if food lodged in oesophagus.
Stricture of oesophagus [Ars., Bapt., Nat-m.]
Swelling and infiltration of cervical glands in external throat.
Knots of lymphatic glands down the neck under the ear.
Tenacious mucus.
Burning pain in the throat at night [Nux-v] on empty swallowing.
Raw pain at night; when swallowing [Arg-m., Stann.].
Fatty tumours in external throat.
The stomach troubles are characterised by indigestion, or better by weakness of digestion. There is pain or distension or different kinds of disagreeable sensations after eating.
Water brash, eructations.
Pain after swallowing even a little bit of food.
Sensation of stone in stomach which is ameliorated by eructation.
Extreme weakness after eating.
In an anxiety state the stomach feels so upset that she does not want to eat, though she feels hungry, from fear that she will vomit.
She gags and cannot swallow any solid food.
Child is very picky concerning food, will eat only certain kinds.
Loss of appetite especially if the child is upset because of jealousy, it eats very small amounts.