Dim vision in old people as if looking through fog or smoke.
Foggy vision; in the morning or after eating.
Pressure felt deep in the eyes better looking downward.
There are a lot of different noises in the ears in accordance with an early arteriosclerosis that is a prominent feature in this remedy.
Cracking or flapping noises worse when swallowing and chewing, better lying down [Ph-ac.].
Rushing sounds in the ear when breathing.
Noises reverberating when blowing nose [Hep-s.].
Glandular swellings and eruptions about the ears.
Scabby eruptions behind ears [Graph., Lyc., Sil.].
Eruptions on lobes of ear.
Pain below ear.
Swelling of glands below ears [Caps.].
Impaired hearing.
Impaired hearing from paralysis of the auditory nerve.
Painful dryness inside nose. Sensation of dryness when blowing it.
Epistaxis from blowing the nose mostly before menses.
Swelling of nose and upper lip during coryza in children.
Acute smell.
Smells pine smoke.
Coryza worse in the morning [Nux-v.].
Coryza with crusts and thick yellow mucus.
The face has a foolish expression with open mouth much like Bufo, purple and puffed sometimes. In some other cases the face looks old, marasmic, withered.