
Materia Medica Viva Volume 4 – page 832

are sore.
Typhus and typhoid fever, with a tendency to putrescence.
Beginning of typhus, when so-called nervous symptoms predominate.
Cerebral forms, especially with excessive drowsiness, delirium, confusion of ideas, stupefying headache; restless sleep, head feels scattered about; frightful dreams; great debility and nervous prostration, with erethism, etc.
Typhoid and cerebral forms of fever; delirium, drowsiness, confusion, gives slow answer or falls asleep attempting a reply; erethism; tries to escape from bed;
sleepless because she cannot get herself together;
head feels scattered, and she tosses about to get pieces together;
sensation of a second self outside of patient;
low delirium, stupor;
sordes on teeth;
face dark, besotted looking;
hearing dull;
difficult breathing;
fever increases each afternoon.
Burning all over skin, worse in face.
Livid spots over body and limbs, not elevated, of irregular shape, size of a pea up to bean, without any sensation.
Rose coloured spots.
Eruption like measles or urticaria.
Pimples thick on palatine arch, tonsils and uvula;
Foul, gangrenous, phagedaenic syphilitic sores.
Smallpox confluent, tardy eruption.
Gangrenous sores, aphthae, sore nipples (locally).