Feels as if lying on a board; changes position often, bed feels so hard; worst part in region of sacrum.
Rheumatic pains in muscles of back, followed by burning.
Pain in right subscapular muscle; worse on motion of arm; better from pressing part against something hard.
Pain under right scapula; better on motion.
Pain in sacrum.
Severe pain in left shoulder joint, causing a disagreeable, sickening feeling at stomach;
Darts of pains in various parts of body; aggravated during rest and when thinking of them.
Feels sore and stiff about shoulders and chest.
Pain in right elbow, causing a weakness in arm and hand, scarcely able to hold pencil while noting these symptoms.
Rheumatic thrusts in left ulna (lower part), with pain in different parts of body; aggravated at rest.
Severe rheumatic stitches in metacarpal bone of left index finger, lasting several minutes.
Rheumatic stitches in left radius, lasting only a little while.
Numbness of left hand and forearm, with prickling; worse from movement; sharp darting pains through fingers.
Hands feel large, tremulous.
Rheumatic pains in left wrist and stitches in right eye.
Tearing pains in carpal bones of right hand, lasting only a short time, followed by several sharp pains in phalanges of left hand.
A sharp dart of pain in first phalanx while writing.
Pain running up and down bones of left forearm.
Tearing pain in palm of left hand, and also darts in various parts of body. Terrible rheumatic pains in metacarpal bones of left hand, lasting only a few moments, though very severe; also pain in left knee and shoulder.
Tearing pain in right metacarpus.
Rheumatic pain in metacarpal bone and phalanges of left thumb (long, severe