Swelling of the palate.
Taste is nauseous.
Foetid odour.
Aphthae black.
Gums dark red.
Although there is severe inflammation the pain is much less than expected. Nervous spasm of the oesophagus.
Paralysis of oesophagus.
Oesophagus feels as if constricted from above down to stomach.
Constrictive feeling causing frequent efforts at deglutition; throat sore, feels contracted.
Can swallow liquids only; least solid food gags.
Frequent inclination to swallow, causing pain in root of tongue.
Painless inflammation of throat.
Fauces dark red; dark, putrid ulcers; tonsils and parotids swollen; unusual absence of pain.
Burning and heat in fauces, as from heartburn, extending into ears; aggravation from belching, which causes pain to extend into chest, and there producing a weak feeling.
Tonsils and soft palate very red, but not painful.
Uvula elongated.
Discolouration of tonsils, uvula dark red.
Swelling of epiglottis, mornings.
Throat sore; averse to open air.
Dark, putrid, wash leather-like exudation of membrane.
Sensation as if had eaten pepper.
Mucus abundant and viscid, can neither be swallowed nor expectorated. Children cannot swallow solid food; the smallest solid substance causes gagging, thus they cannot digest anything but milk.
The larynx is very sensitive to touch, sore to swallow or speak.