Lids partially paralysed.
Cannot bear light; eyes burn, but do not water.
Occasionally delirium with confusion of sight.
Feeling as if eyes would be pressed into head;
eyeballs feel sore with great confusion of sight.
Left eye for a moment feels very weak, followed by stitches in upper eyelid. Stitches in right eye; also in left as from needles.
Eyeballs feel sore; sore and lame on moving them.
Vessels congested, eyes look red, inflamed.
Partial paralysis of lids; difficulty in keeping them open.
Roaring in ears with mental confusion.
Delirium with almost complete deafness.
Ears feel hot and burn, yet cold to touch.
Right ear sore and neck tired.
Soreness in right ear, running down neck.
Pain below left ear, midway between mastoid process and angle of lower jaw. Slight pain in left parotid gland.
An illusion of smell ‘as of burnt feathers’.
Sensation of great fullness, oedematous swelling of affected parts.
Epistaxis during typhoid fever. Severe drawing pains along nose.
Nose stopped up as if had taken a bad cold.
Thick mucus from nose.
Dull pain at root of nose.
Unpleasant sensation at root of nose as if water had passed through posterior nares while drinking.
Epistaxis and oozing of dark blood from nose.