Sharp, lancinating pains in chest, worse from motion and deep inspiration, with soreness of chest; worse afternoon and evening.
Severe stitches in sides, especially right, aggravation from least motion. Lungs feel as if sinking down.
Tremulous, vibrating palpitation upon slightest emotion of mind.
Lying on right side, heart is heard and felt to pulsate from chest up to neck.
At midnight, while in bed, vibrating palpitation of heart for a few minutes.
Neck very stiff, worse flexing head.
Soreness, lameness with stitches in nape; worse bending head backward and forward.
Severe lancinating and stitches below scapulae, much worse from throwing shoulders back and chest forward, or from any contortion of body. Severe pain in or near head of right scapula.
Pain in front of upper part of right shoulder, afterwards in left shoulder and arms. Pain in small of back, hips and lower limbs.
In right scapula pain from pit of stomach.
Extremities Pains in the knees worse on descending stairs.
Pain in front of upper part of right shoulder, afterwards in left shoulder and arm. Palms hot and dry.
Pain in hips.
Intermittent pain in muscles of lower posterior third part of leg, with a sore, clumsy, contracted, bruised feeling of anterior muscles of lower third, worse flexing foot and going up stairs.
It has lessened a hard cellular swelling of both legs.
Sitting or lying: legs become numb, soon feel sore, must change position.
Pain in the heel made worse by least pressure.
Paralysis of toe turns under while walking.