develops symptoms from it, such as annoying palpitation and trembling. From the symptomatology one gets the picture of an over-stimulated thyroid gland, with the concomitant excess of emotion and trembling produced by such stimulation. Badiaga has a reputation for curing Basedow’s disease and for treating syphilis, and is considered a complimentary to Mercury.
Some mental symptoms to be found in this remedy include tearful mood, especially during coughing, with despair, and mistakes in time, confusing the days of the week.
Badiaga has a reputation as an antisyphilitic remedy, completing the action of Mercury.
Infantile syphilis, bubo, roseola.
After effects of injury, including blows, bruises, falls, with extravasation of blood.
Muscles and skin feel sore, as if beaten.
Soreness of muscles and skin in its deeper layers; general soreness of integuments and muscles.
Obesity in children due to thyroid dysfunction.
Glands swollen.
Basedow’s disease.
It is a remedy that is sensitive to cold, especially cold air, and worse from it.
Worse in stormy weather and better in a warm room.
Worse towards afternoon, worse from pressure and touch; there is general soreness, even to touch of clothes.
Lying down makes the pain better and the palpitation worse. Carcinoma of breast.
Lancinating pains in stomach; liver; below scapulae; urethra; chest.
Tremulous vibrating palpitation, aggravated when lying on right side.