
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 784

Condylomata of anus. Constipation; alternating with diarrhoea; difficult stool; inactivity of rectum, during menses. Diarrhoea; morning night, with burning in anus. Fistula in ano. Flatus passed from rectum; offensive, which ameliorates. Bleeding piles; external piles. Stool: gray, green-mucus, thin mucus, hard, knotty, large.
Urinary organs
The bladder symptoms are veiy numerous and important. Pressing in the bladder. Retention of urine. Urging to urinate constant; ineffectual. Urination dribbling, difficult, frequent, involuntary at night; unsatisfactory.
Suppression of urine. Prostatic discharge. Urine: albuminous, bloody, burning, cloudy on standing, copious, offensive; sand in the urine; scanty; mucus sediment; thick, yellow.
Male – genitalia
Nocturnal enuresis. Impotence. Frequent erections, with desire for an embrace, but ceasing immediately. Heat, smarting, and lancinations in the penis. Condylomata of the glans penis. Hydrocele in boys. Inflammation of glans penis; of testes; of epididymis. Itching of the scrotum.
Induration of the testes. Pain in the testes; aching in testes; drawing pain in testes; lancination in penis; pressing in testes. Swelling of testes; especially the right. Perspiration of genitals; scrotum. Seminal emissions. Sexual desire increased, with relaxed penis.
Female – genitalia
Sexual desire increased. Inflammation of the uterus. Itching of the vulva.
Lancination in vulva. The vulva is swollen. Leucorrhoea: worse in the morning, acrid, copious, thick, transparent, white, yellow. Menses absent; copious; irregular; first menses delayed in girls; too frequent; late; scanty; suppressed. Pain in ovaries, in uterus; bruised; bearing down in uterus, especially during menses; burning in genitals and vagina. Prolapsus uteri. Heaviness in genitals. Heat, lancinations, and itching of vulva.
Swelling of the breasts; they are painful to touch; nipples are cracked; lancinating pain in point of nipples.