
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 782

Pulsation in internal parts; the pulse is small, fast, irregular and weak. Oversensitivity to pain. Complaints are predominantly right-sided. Swelling of affected parts; of the glands.
Constant hyperaemia of brain. The hair falls out. Alopecia. Heat in head; burning scalp. Nodding of head like in paralysis agitans. Pain in head; better in open air, worse from binding up the hair; from coughing; worse lying; from motion; from strong odors; from warm room; in windy, stormy weather. Pressing pain in head; in forehead; in occiput; in temples; in vertex. Tearing headache. Lancinations in occiput.
The eyelids stick together in the morning. Discharge of yellow mucus from the eyes. Heat in eyes. Inflammation of eyes; ulceration of cornea; of iris.
Itching of lids; of canthi. Opacity of the cornea. Pain in the eyes; from motion; when reading; aching, burning in the eyes and canthi; cutting, pressing; as from sand; stitching. Paralysis of the optic nerve. Protrusion and pulsation in eyes. Redness of eyes; of lids. Scrofulous affections of eyes. Dim vision; diplopic. foggy vision. All the eye symptoms are worse from any exertion of vision. Hemiopia; can see only the lower half of objects. Vision lost from paralysis of the optic nerves.
Discharge from the ear; fetid; offensive; purulent; sequelae after suppressed eruption; the ears are red; dryness in ears; humming; ringing; roaring; rushing sounds.
Catarrh of nose; discharge bloody; hard; offensive; purulent; thick; yellow. The nose is red and swollen; offensive odor from nose; ozaena. Swollen nose. Ulceration in nose. Redness and swelling of nose; crusts; dry coryza.