
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 781

can thus be seen: Maniacal conduct and loquacity, insane mirth. Marked increase of imagination. Delusions about animals.
Two key-note symptoms produced by this remedy should be understood in the context of irritability of the nervous system, and they are: constant nodding of head (suggesting paralysis agitans) and great sensitiveness to touch, to least contact. When the grief has not been expressed, but remained suppressed for a long time, the nodding of the head sets in. It is a motion that appears in this remedy, though not necessarily because of Parkinson’s disease. This disease should however be considered within the sphere of action of this remedy, and could be prescribed especially if it has been preceded by a psychological state similar to the one described above.
The symptomatology of this remedy develops slowly after long periods of grief and vexation. It is a very useful remedy for chronic complaints that date back to prolonged grief.
Further symptoms include confusion in the morning, worse from mental exertion, weakness of memory; very forgetful, absent-mindedness.
Fears include going into a crowd, fear of people; of robbers; of death; of evil.
Worse from cold in general; from cold air; from becoming cold; after becoming cold.
The symptoms of this remedy appear in the morning, forenoon, afternoon, evening, and during night. Desire for open air. The open air aggravates many symptoms. Ascending brings on many symptoms.
Marked aggravation follows hurried actions, like running. Worse during and after eating and from exertion. Sitting erect aggravates some symptoms; standing aggravates many symptoms. Motion intensifies most symptoms. Desire to lie down, but lying aggravates some symptoms; worse lying in bed.
Within the sphere of action of this remedy we have: Cancerous affections; ulcers. Induration of glands. Pain in bones and glands; bearing downward sensations in different parts. Congestion of blood. Violent orgasm of blood in chest and head. Hysterical convulsions. Paralysis of organs. Staggering gait. Formication. Asleep feeling in single parts; a sensation of a band around parts. Mucous secretions much increased.