
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 774

Indurated cervix. Palpitation of young girls. Coldness in abdomen. Chronic metritis and prolapsus. Uterus fills up whole pelvis. Ulceration of neck of womb and vagina. Leucorrhoea, with spasmodic contraction of vagina. Ovaries indurated. Ovarian dropsy. Sub-involution. Obstinate leucorrhoea, with spasmodic contractions of muscles of vagina. Chronic metritis and prolapsus. Induration of vaginal portion of uterus. Enlargement of uterus for fourteen years, twice its natural size, entirely cured, uterus replaced itself. Induration of ovaries, reaching as far as umbilicus. Cases of ovarian dropsy. Ulceration of neck of womb and vagina, resulting from inflammations and indurations. Cases of subinvolution, anteversion and prolapsus, with greenish-yellow discharge.
Beating of carotid and temporal arteries visible to eye; violence of this beating became extremely annoying, so violent nothing could calm it; the disquiet caused by it put the sufferer into constant terror, almost to delirium.
Pustular eruption on back.
Old cases of rheumatism or gouty pains. Boring in right knee; pressure in right knee; stitching in left knee; boring in left tibia; boring in both sides of the Achilles tendon. A drawing in right foot; in evening, drawing in inner edge of right foot, etc.; pressure on right foot; drawing in right toes; cutting in right toe-tips; stitching in toe-tips. Pressure in left shoulder; pressure in bend of elbow; stretching sensation in right fingers; drawing in roots of right fingers; pain in knee; stitches in left knee; drawing in right toes. Amelioration of pains and pressure feelings on motion. Syphilitic ataxia.
Unusual heat and malaise. Violent fever, forcing him to keep his bed, urine copious.
Sweats only on right side, left (affected) side of head remains dry. Excessive perspiration. Suppression of perspiration.