falls out. Continual humming in head, with beating of carotids, almost causing delirium. When sitting the headache is worse.
Chronic ophthalmia; malignant, cancerous; at same time, nose scurfy. Scrofulous ophthalmia. Yellow albuginea. Swelling above left eye.
Destruction of nasal bones. Nasal discharge bloody, ichorous, fetid. Ulcers in nose. Nose swollen, hard, shining (scrofula); if he takes cold, erysipelas sets in.
Scurfy, oozing tetter on nose. Deep spreading syphilitic ulcer of skin. A case of rhinoscleroma( a granulomatous disease involving the nose and the nasopharynx. The growth forms hard patches or nodules which tend to increase in size and be painful on pressure.)
Ulcers of upper jaw. Periosteal indurations. Ulcer in right comer of mouth. Complexion pale. Opening mouth difficult.
Teeth look dirty, get loose and gums recede; caries of jaw. Tongue furred; bitter taste.
Tongue white. Warts on tongue. Fetid odor from mouth. Pain behind upper incisors, is aggravated on contact with warm food. Dulness of teeth ceases while eating.
Small blisters on fauces with swelling and inflammation of fauces. Two small ulcers on right tonsil.