
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 764

Heart affections. Rheumatic fever with heart involvement. Angina pectoris.
Diabetes with polyuria is mostly in the night. Albuminuria. Frontal sinusitis. Ozaena. Mental depression. Insomnia. Dropsical states from heart disease, from liver affections, with albumen in the urine. Paralysis of the bladder. Multiple sclerosis. Morvan’s disease (chorea). Haemorrhages from the uterus. Catarrhal and glandular affections. Cancerous glands. Cancer of the tongue. Periostitis. Caries of the joints.
Fulness of the veins. Liver affections, induration. Ophthalmia. Spleen enlarged. Sterility. Tumors in uterus.
Similar to: Aeon., Amm-carb. (hyperaemia of chest from heart disease); Arg-met., Arg-nitr., Arsen, (dropsy, albuminuria, heart); Bellad., Cinnab. (syphilis); Ferrum, Glonoine (intermediate remedy in neurosis cordis); Lycop., Mercur., Nitr-ac., Phosphor., Platin., Silic., Sulphur.
Incompatible: sulphur springs.
Bellad., Cannab., Mercur.
Chagrin, fright. Vexation.
From 30c to the highest.
Aurum Mur. in Insomnia, etc. Dr. Clifford Mitchell {Med. Era) had good results with this drug in a case of sacral neuralgia, insomnia, and depression of spirits. The remedy was prescribed to relieve troublesome nocturnal urination, which was very annoying –