
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 761

Coffee, tea and wine disagree. Sweetened coffee disgusts him. Gastritis, cramps in stomach. Slow digestion. Sharp pains in the stomach with burning, intense thirst.
Nausea in morning, worse after breakfast; after eating; with vomiting of the water drunk and a trace of clear blood. Appetite increased or lost. After eating: nausea; distention and fullness of stomach; frequent yawning. Belching and nausea; risings have a putrid taste. Nausea on fasting, better after breakfast. Burning, cutting, stitching in stomach. Painful drawing in pit to middle of sternum; as if a hard body was pressed into cavity. Increased warmth in stomach.
Liver troubles associated with heart disease with albumen in the urine and dropsy of the limbs. Burning in right hypochondrium, with heat and pricking in abdomen.
Constant sensation of tension in right hypochondrium. Induration of liver with dropsy. Spleen enlarged. Stitches in left hypochondrium, as after running.
Abdomen distended; constrictive colic obliges her to double up; only goes off in bed.
Distention of single places in abdomen. Stiffness in region of the groins. Eruption of small red nodules above the pubes. Abdomen sensitive to touch. Considerable swelling of inguinal glands.
Diarrhoea with liver affection, or with Bright’s disease. Diarrhoea worse at night. Diarrhoea worse at night; after eating; with pain in bowels. Stools: greyish-white, yellow, watery. Frequent fluid stools. A heavy ring of warts around the anus with copious moisture. Fistula in ano. Fig warts of the anus with ulceration.
Condylomata at anus. Excrescences near anus, with an abundant serous discharge. Numerous circumanal condylomata, in a scrofulous, syphilitic baby.
Haemorrhoids, with discharge of blood during stool. Anal and intercrural excoriation in a baby.
Urinary organs
Scanty urine. Urine turbid, with a red lateritious sediment. Frequent urging to urinate; at night. Incontinence of urine worse at night. Burning on urinating; urine feels as if too hot. Increased discharge of urine; urine has a peculiar odour and sediment.