months, he has had no symptoms of bloatednsss or belching. Such a remission has occurred at times in the past but never for as long as 3 months at a time.
He had adenopathy when he was 6 and 12 years old; a cyst has been excised from his thyroid; a hydrocele was removed from his right testicle; he’s suffered from chalazion on his left eye. His mother suffers from cardiac problems. His father suffered from hydrocele, ulcer of the small intestine, and prostate cancer with metastases.
He is much better at night: "I’m a night person." He is worse in the morning. He has difficulty getting started in the morning on waking up. He wants to prolong his sleep-time in the morning, and he needs a few hours before he is fully himself. He begins to feel like himself and to really start moving at around 2 to 3 in the afternoon, and at around 7 P.M. he feels his head clearing. He has difficulty in falling asleep before 2-3 in the morning, and this has become a nightmare for him. He feels warm, has warm hands and feet. The sun is his enemy. He likes rain and snow and is generally feels much better when he is moving, doing something. He does not want tight clothing. His appetite is normal. His thirst: 1 liter of tap water. He desires: sweets, salt, fat, eggs, chocolate.
He sleeps on his stomach, always with a pillow over his head. He snores, and makes jerky movements in his sleep. He wakes up horribly. He has infrequent nightmares of his parents being dead. At night he perspires around the neck area, wetting his pillow. Urinary fuction is normal. Urine is normal. Desire for sex is normal.
"I am very closed; I don’t show my emotions, anger, sadness or joy. Someone might have angered me to the point where I would want to kill him, but I would never show it." He has great difficulty in his contacts with people, in fitting in (people, situations, etc.).
"I have intense feelings or emotions that are always ruled by logic; intense feelings of fair-mindedness or righteousness without ever acting upon them."
"I could be a perfect criminal master-mind but am so only in my imagination." He is fastidious. He is not egocentric. He is angered by bad and dishonest behavior, but he does not react; he would rather remove himself from the source of aggravation. If he does react, he does so only at home in a fight with his wife or brother by shouting and breaking objects (sometimes even valuable objects). Thus, when he is made angry or when he is unjustly accused, he does not react, but in his imagination he plans the perfect "eye for an eye" retaliation; this is what he means when he says he becomes a criminal master-mind with a certain plan in mind.
He is sensitive, having a somewhat childish sensitivity. He does not cry easily; it is very difficult for him in front of others. His crying is somewhat like "a spasm, like a shaking, not like crying."
He feels a pathological attachment to his parents. His mother suffered a cardiac episode when she was 77 years old. He developed an ulcer at this time, he feels, because he was with her in the hospital constantly for 20 days. He feels the same for his father. His father’s prostate cancer appeared about a year ago. He feels fear or anger just from thinking about someone bothering his parents.
He feels anxiety about his business. He is full of anxiety when he has to depend on other people to get things done instead of doing it himself. He is anxious about
keeping his appointments, meeting people at a certain time – whether he will to