
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 744

Heart – In Aurum children we may have complaints of violent palpitations around the time of puberty, when the sexual instincts are aroused and changes in the hormonal system ensue.
There are flushes of heat followed by perspiration and palpitations. Palpitations with great anxiety – almost agony and fear that they have a serious heart disease.
Arrhythmia, which is aggravated by sudden noises or excitement during a discussion, especially if a different opinion is expressed or there is opposition. Extra systoles, with the feeling that the heart stops for a while and then starts with a hard, strong beat. When walking feels as if the heart is loose inside the chest. Sensation as if the heart had stopped and stood still. Strong or feeble, irregular palpitations that compel them to stop walking for a while. Carotids throb visibly.
Extreme oppression in the region of the heart on walking fast and going upstairs, with edema of the lower limbs. Rheumatic pains that ultimately progress to heart ailments. Pain in the heart region which extends down to the left arm and fingers. Cardiac hypertrophy. Angina pectoris. Problems of the aorta. Stenocardia.
Respiration – Though in the midst of a severe depression, Aurum will likely not mention it to anyone; however, at night during sleep, when the logical mind can no longer inhibit its expression, the depression may find an outlet in strong sobbing.
Cardiac asthma. Kent writes in his lectures on materia medica: "The symptoms of asthma and of difficult breathing you would naturally expect to be associated with the cardiac affections. Notice this also that the difficult breathing is of two kinds, such breathing as involves the lungs, and such breathing as involves the heart. So it is we have an asthmatic condition of dyspnoea that is cardiac in character; one belongs to such remedies as have a predominance of action on the affections, and another belonging to those having a predominance of action on the intelligence; one will involve the lung and finally bring on emphysema; the other one is entirely different in its character, with irregular heart action, and only secondarily associated with emphysema. Study your pathology with these things in mind and you will be able to perceive the nature of sickness and its results. These things are not mere observation, whims and theories, but are the outcome of studying things from internal to external."
Difficult respiration is ameliorated by eructations and motion while it is aggravated by walking in the open air. Dyspnea worse laughing, worse at night and from warm air. Weight under sternum that is felt more on ascending.
Stitches below right scapula near spine. Stiffness of the whole back starting from the coccyx and ascending up to the nape of neck. Sensation as if warm air is streaming up