The Aurum iodatum case presents a state of inner acceptance of the poisonous effects of life, which is made apparent by the overactivity, the rapidity of the metabolism, the easy depression and the ease with which the patient can be hurt. The lymphatic system refuses to process and eliminate toxins, and the glands indurate and swell; the heart cannot tolerate much suffering and becomes hypertrophied, or the pericardium gets inflamed; some of the major glands become sclerosed, or atrophy, like the liver or the testes, while in other cases some organs are hypertrophied and swollen like the thyroid gland, the heart or the liver. Such is the medical history that you should look for in order to prescribe Aurum iodatum.
This remedy belongs to the type of individual who will leave very little to chance, who is meticulous, over-conscientious about matters, even insignificant ones, over-working, careful not to offend anybody, not sure about himself or what he wants. Aurum iodatum cases are restless all the time, with a hurried feeling inside. They are primarily moralists who will not forgive themselves for moral transgressions and will feel tremendously guilty. They develop a constant anxiety, as if they have done something wrong, which is worse at night.
They are timid and can break out into hysterical crying. They have a voracious appetite, eat very much without putting on weight. Eventually they fall into deep periodical depressions, during which time they lose their appetite, do not want to see anybody or communicate in any way with anyone. They dread all kinds of work, especially mental labour. They become indolent.
They enter spells of despair, feeling that everything they have done is wrong, and that they will never recover their health, physical or moral. Any attempt to exert their minds during such periods makes them feel worse, more depressed and more confused. They isolate themselves, fear evil influences, they do not trust people. It is depression with a kind of superstition. When they come out of it they may feel extremely elated and cheerful without any specific reason. Moods alternate and change.
It is very useful in cancerous affections and in caries of bones. Osteomyelitis. Pain in bones. Pain in glands, bruised feeling internally. Internal burning. Induration is characteristic and especially in glands. Ovarian cysts, fibroids of uterus. Inflammation of organs, glands; serous membranes. Congestion of blood to glands and organs. Orgasm of