depression with restlessness will put the seal to the case. A keynote that will remind you of Anac. or Platina is a feeling of a band around organs or parts of the body.
This remedy should also be thought of in metastasis of cancer in the bones with extreme pains and restlessness where the pain is accompanied by numbness. A keynote is a feeling of a band around the organ. When you go back in the medical history of such a case, you may find long standing depressions, or some chronic involvement of the thyroid or a history of swollen, indurated painful glands.
Another example: you have a case of right side sciatica, extremely painful, where pain is felt together with numbness, and you have already tried Gnaphalium and Coloc., without results. This remedy may be indicated here, especially if the patient is ameliorated in the open air, and aggravated locally by sitting or lying in bed, particularly when he gets warm there. If, moreover, the patient is restless and depressed, then Aur-iod. is without doubt the first remedy you should have tried. Such patients are lean and restless with occasional depressions, with some liver complaints, prone to thyroid hyperactivity with palpitations.
An Aurum iodatum case may suffer from rhinitis or hay-fever with thick purulent discharge, congested head with rush of blood, better in open air, worse warmth, if the person is of the type described below.
This remedy is characterized by overactivity and restlessness while the patient’s mind is fixed on a sad situation in the past, his heart racing, his face blushing easily. The patient may have a tendency towards hysteria or manic depression with relatively minor stimulation. However, the mental derangement of Aurum-i. seems to pass through a heart problem. If you see a case of pericarditis or endocarditis for instance, subsiding after orthodox treatment, where the patient subsequently goes into a mental state of manic depression, this remedy must be taken into consideration. In the text it says: "insanity with enlarged heart, orgasm of blood, red face, full veins, bloated appearance." However, the heart condition and mental condition do not have to be contemporary; the heart problem preceeds the mental derangement.
The whole attitude of the person who needs this remedy is one of hardness when processing and accepting new situations and conditions. Mental or emotional shocks have a direct repercussion either on the heart or on the lymphatic or glandular systems. Hodgkin’s disease or a heart involvement can be the long standing result.