
Materia Medica Viva Volume 3 – page 714

Stubborn, persistant catarrh, of bloody, purulent offensive discharge. Crusts; greenish discharge. Ulceration in nose. The nose is swollen. It is a useful remedy in ozaena. Pain in the bones of the nose. Frequent sneezing.
Epithelioma of face and lips. Ulcers on lip. Cracked lips, bluish. Lupus. Acne rosacea, comedones; coppery eruptions. Swelling of the face, of the lips, of the parotid and submaxillary glands.
Aversion to food; to meat; pain in stomach; violent; burning.
Distension of abdomen. Enlarged liver. Hardening of the liver. It has a specifc effect on the liver and conditions originating from liver disfunction.
Constipation; alternating with diarrhoea. Urging in the rectum and prolapsus ani.
Urinary organs
Retention of urine. Urging constant; ineffectual. Urination dribbling; dysuria; involuntary at night; seldom; unsatisfactory.
Male – genitalia
Inflammation of glans penis; testes; sore pain in testes. Perspiration of genitals. Swollen testes. Ulcers on the penis; chancres.